Maintenance In Your Apartment
CSCC’s philosophy is to take care of maintenance issues in the apartment as they happen. It is easier and less expensive to take care of maintenance issues than if we allow them to compound into a larger problem. A maintenance request should be reported through your Resident Web Access Portal. You also will be able to track the status of your maintenance request through the portal.
There is no service charge for repairs that are the result of ordinary wear and tear, but if negligence is involved (i.e. allowing food to go down the kitchen drain) then the maintenance hourly rate will be charged.
While CSCC does provide emergency maintenance service, it costs extra for the cooperative to do so. An emergency maintenance request call should only be made when property or people may be endangered if action is not taken at once. Emergency events include, but are not limited to: plumbing failure, plumbing backup, loss of heat, loss of electricity, or appliance failure. If there is an emergency event, a telephone call is necessary instead of a maintenance ticket. For emergency maintenance service, call (612) 378-0219.
When entering an apartment, maintenance personnel are not allowed to remove their shoes. Residents can provide boot covers for maintenance personnel.
All sightings of rodents or bugs in apartments should be reported immediately, and if possible a sample brought to the CSCC office, so efforts to stop an infestation to neighboring apartments can begin. CSCC has a contract with a pest control provider that visits the complex twice a month to treat apartments as necessary. There is no cost to the resident and often neighboring apartments may be treated as well.
Pests, especially roaches, multiply and spread rapidly. Residents must be proactive in reporting and complying with treatment. Willful failure to report pests, failure to comply with the notice, or failure to keep the apartment in a manner that is clean and sanitary will result in eviction.
The following measures should help reduce the opportunity that pests will infest an apartment:
- Dispose of food scraps in the garbage after use
- Wipe down counters after cooking is completed
- Dispose of household garbage daily
- Remove grease build-up on stove, countertops and/or cupboards
- Store grains and other bulk food items in air-tight containers
- Make sure the tops of paper boxes or plastic bags are closed tightly
- Report all pest issues to the CSCC office immediately
CSCC will initially furnish light bulbs for the apartment. Thereafter, light bulbs of the proper wattage must be supplied and replaced by the Resident. Standard appliance bulbs can be used for refrigerators and stove hoods. Light fixtures in the kitchen, hallway, and oven do not use traditional light bulbs. Contact maintenance to fix these lighting items.